Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh when the Saints...

So, I went to a basketball game last night. The CHS Saints game to be exact. and while I was highly entertained, I have to admit that I so rather would have come home after watching becca and the girls play. I'll start with this, i don't think I have ever seen so much immaturity from one group of people in my life..sad part is, it wasn't from the high school group, but their parents. Their parents who (no use sugar coating it) made themselves look like morons. Between the yelling, the jeering, the hand gestures, oh!, and the beating of the seats during free throws..its high school! I understand that they feel as though they are being supportive parents, and obviously get into a pack mentality, but honestly, I wish they'd have acted their ages. The support things goes out the window for me, bc the parents were not ANYWHERE near as..lively during the girls game as they were during the boys game (which, sidenote, is totally sexist and could probably be a leading factor in the reasons girls have worse self worth than boys, but whatever). But I mean, the players and coaches kept themselves better in check than the people in the stands. Kudos to the Saints by the way, for visibly trying to keep their cool. I respected that the high school boys could keep it together better than their fathers could, sad but true. But at the same time, i doubt if the parents consider the impression that their attitudes and actions leave on not only passers by, but on their kids. Sure, they might be cool at the game but a lot of kids attitudes after the game are terrible. and just in general, their anger seems to flare up faster outside of a game than inside. Maybe I just don't get it. Growing up with 3 sisters, we didnt really get into going to games. but my dad! when he watched a game, if he wasn't reading his Bible, he was ironing or cleaning something, don't know if i ever saw him yell about a game. ever. which probably explains why I just dont get the rage some people manage to conjure up over a high school game.
But also, the saddest part to me, is why in the world these parents spend thousands to keep their kids out of the "filth" of public school, only to bring that filth to their games! Hellooo! In the great words of JK- "Potty mouth! Flush it!"
I guess people just get into the game. Parents being parents. I just hope I don't ever act like that one day. Something I've SO gotten lately is that the eyes are watching. Whether it's a small child who sells her parents out as drinkers, or a big kid who's anger lashes out with twice the intensity of their examples, if the recognize the behavior or not, its going to surface at some point, in some manner.

Maybe one day people will act on the adage they tell their kids...
"It's not whether you win or lose, but how you play [watch] the game."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So it's been a few days...thought about posting a few times, but due to a severe lack of anything truly interesting to post about, I didn't. But I look around and see all of my sisters with their funny/insightful blogs, and am almost immediately compelled to reciprocate with one of my own. So let's see...
1. My house is a mess- There is simply no better way to put it. I would sa
y that I have a love/hate relationship with my washing machine, but that would be a lie. I hate doing laundry. Hate sorting it, hate waiting for the dryer to finish, loathe entirely the folding and putting away process. But, seeing as my roommate and I are both out of clean underwear, off to the laundry room I go.
2. Speaking of my roommate! I've learned something this week that (mercifully) I don't think I've realized the whole time she's been my roommate...she stinks. Weeeellll, not her, so much as her feet, which reek of a scent I'm not sure I've got the stomach to describe to you. It's a terrible stench that, if able, she loves to stick in one's face while laying on the couch, and then giggle like a school girl at the gagging noises I make. Gotta love a roommate.
3. As for our third roommate, I am proud to say that this week has been
a victorious one for us all (drum roll please(drrrrrrrrrrrrr!)) Java >> poops on the puppy pad!! yaaaaaay! Sounds stupid, but I do believe I am one of many puppy mommy's who feels bad for going to work/school all day, and then coming home late only to have to beat the puppy who is so excited to see me she pees herself, bc she pooped (no lie) a foot away from the puppy pad. But thank the good Lord, I pray those days are behind us.
4. My funny sisters come home this weekend. I am over the moon excited about this. They live too far away from me, and I miss them. But they will be here and mine for the weekend, and again, I'm over the moon about that.
5. I am truly floored by the cycle of life. I know lots of people, and I like to get to know those people. Being the psychology major that I am, my classes have been getting me to look a little past the surface, and see why people do the things that they do, and after doing this, I've decided I know some pretty cool kids.
6. I also recognize that I have a problem with comma usage. I know this. If it bothers you, I apologize profusely.

I wish I had a 7th item, bc 6 is just an ugly number, but I sadly dont. Promise I'll try to make the next blog more interesting (but as said, this one was strictly to compete with my sisters).

Saturday, January 24, 2009

So, after much debate last night, I decided that rather than going out of town after work, I'd stay home. So I stayed home' figured I had plenty of things to do today, so what the heck, I'll get stuff done. So last night I come home after work, pretty tired bc Sassy had a time falling asleep (her school is passing around the flu- heavy sigh) I come home to a very excited puppy. I let her out, then, attempt to drag the hundred pound box that contain my new shelves the 12 whole feet from my house to the door (to which I say I've done all the heavy lifting I plan to for the year). Then, I call the dog. and call the dog. and call the dog. She has decided to play hide & seek, apparently I'm it; and seeing as how it's about midnight, I can't yell all that loud due to the old crabby neighbors I've got. So there I am, running around in the dark, whisper yelling for the dog to "get her tiny butt over hear if she wants to live to see the morning", or something to that effect. 10 minutes late we're inside and yada yada, I go to bed. So, this morning, item numero uno on my list - sleep in - Check! then, i come out of the bedroom, again, to a very excited yapping puppy, only to find that the joy of my life has somehow chewed on my tablecloth. I'm trying to figure out how in the world she reached it to chew and pull on it, when I notice the GIANT blue cup that my lovely roommate left on the kitchen table. As I am picking up the little yapper, I notice the equally GIANT puddle of what I can only assume is sweet tea, ya know, syrupy sugary sweet tea, us being from the south and all; THEN I notice how wet and sticky Java is, and the dozen sets of tiny paw prints that she has tracked all over my kitchen. And all this in the first 4 minutes of being awake. So unlike the to-do list I had planned, I have mopped and cleaned the kitchen, beat and bathed the dog, and have another half a load of towels to wash. I swear, if she weren't so darn cute, and presently being very lovey dovey, she'd totally be outta here. But now, on to numero dos on my list, I am going to put together my supa dupa cute new shelves to go in my back room to hold all of the college books that have made me so incredibly intelligent. Hoo Haa.