Monday, March 16, 2009

okay, so not the I was planning on telling a single solitary soul, I'm going to tell the whole wide web...I've been reading the Twilight series, and I'm totally (sadly) into it. I hate books and movies about vampires and werewolves and other made up villains as a general rule, but for some odd reason have been very into these over my spring break. I started last saturday, and am nearly finished with the 3rd book. sad sad sad. but, in my defense, I have learned that I am surrounded by many other fans of the book; my hairdresser went on for hours ab all the ppl she's seen reading the book in her chair- so I felt a little better about all that.

anyway. I just got back from a nice weekend away. I went with my fabulous church family for a youth conference in Knoxville. 3 services in all, and not a bad way to spend the weekend by any means. i think i have come to love these weekend getaways..not because of what i expect them to do or to be i guess, but bc of the potential that they have. we took nearly 60 people. all of us different- different shapes, different colors, ages, stages, etc- and just the possibility of what this type of weekend has the potential to be for each different person is encouraging. whether its the type of weekend that ends up being completely life altering, or the kind that just ends up being the encouraging break, i look forward to these trips, these little breaks..can't wait for the next one.

speaking of breaks- i have found out that rather than being out of a job the beginning of may, i will be unemployed the first friday of april- hoo haa. but, bc God is good to me, I do have the next job pretty much in the bag. a few more details to be sorted out still, but there is a light at the end of this tunnel, thank God for that. i think there may be a week or two i'll sit unemployed, but hopefully it will be a welcomed break by then.

anyway, thats life for now. except for the scarf story! but it'll give you something to check back for next time ;)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

retail therapy at its finest!

okay, so, i'm sitting at church waiting for band practice to be over, so since the computer was up anyway, i'll blog a sec.

as mentioned in my most favorite oldest sister's blog (funny girl, go read!) i have been on a slight retail therapy binge lately. not by any choice of my own you see, but life at nineteen has started to become increasingly stressful. seeing as how i don't take part in many other stress releaving activities, i shop. now, many of you i'm sure are saying how retail therapy is a hoax made up by women who cannot curb their spending, which i thought for the longest time! but alas, it's not a hoax at all. it's true! spending money on things that bring joy to a girls heart actually release endorphins, which create a natural high...or something to the ring of that.

anyway! i've been doing my fair share of shopping lately, and boy has it helped. now, i'm not one of those kids with a credit card, so all my purchases are cash money. and the way i figure it, if my bills are paid, and its my cash anyway, why the heck not. so, bc i know you are all dying to see these beauties that have recently become my family, i shall share.

i started with a little scarf action:

bought in both black and gray, for a steal!

and also:these two fabulous colors for spring! it'll be interesting...

also, a pair of boots from payless with a strong resemblence to the ugg cardy boots we all know and love, which happen to have no photo on, sorry kids.

AAANNDD, drum roll please.......
<<< this adorable thing i ordered from jcpenny on saturday, and am patiently waiting to get..patiently, such as a kid for christmas morning. that type of patiently. but, i had good reason, this bag was as steal at nearly 50% off. (and after the night i spent earning the $$ to purchase this beauty, i totally deserve it!)

much love to all! since I remember my password now maybe ill blog again shortly.

Monday, March 2, 2009

i had 10 minutes to post today, just a real quick "i'm still alive" type note...which has turned into this "still alive" sentence or two, bc it took me 8 of those 10 minutes to remember my name and password to sign in.

i have slo realized that along with having the talent to hack into voicemail boexes, i could probably figure out most passwords...
