Saturday, January 24, 2009

So, after much debate last night, I decided that rather than going out of town after work, I'd stay home. So I stayed home' figured I had plenty of things to do today, so what the heck, I'll get stuff done. So last night I come home after work, pretty tired bc Sassy had a time falling asleep (her school is passing around the flu- heavy sigh) I come home to a very excited puppy. I let her out, then, attempt to drag the hundred pound box that contain my new shelves the 12 whole feet from my house to the door (to which I say I've done all the heavy lifting I plan to for the year). Then, I call the dog. and call the dog. and call the dog. She has decided to play hide & seek, apparently I'm it; and seeing as how it's about midnight, I can't yell all that loud due to the old crabby neighbors I've got. So there I am, running around in the dark, whisper yelling for the dog to "get her tiny butt over hear if she wants to live to see the morning", or something to that effect. 10 minutes late we're inside and yada yada, I go to bed. So, this morning, item numero uno on my list - sleep in - Check! then, i come out of the bedroom, again, to a very excited yapping puppy, only to find that the joy of my life has somehow chewed on my tablecloth. I'm trying to figure out how in the world she reached it to chew and pull on it, when I notice the GIANT blue cup that my lovely roommate left on the kitchen table. As I am picking up the little yapper, I notice the equally GIANT puddle of what I can only assume is sweet tea, ya know, syrupy sugary sweet tea, us being from the south and all; THEN I notice how wet and sticky Java is, and the dozen sets of tiny paw prints that she has tracked all over my kitchen. And all this in the first 4 minutes of being awake. So unlike the to-do list I had planned, I have mopped and cleaned the kitchen, beat and bathed the dog, and have another half a load of towels to wash. I swear, if she weren't so darn cute, and presently being very lovey dovey, she'd totally be outta here. But now, on to numero dos on my list, I am going to put together my supa dupa cute new shelves to go in my back room to hold all of the college books that have made me so incredibly intelligent. Hoo Haa.


  1. Love it! Now you can say "start a blog.... check!" off of your list! Where exactly was it on your very long list of get stuff done stuff??!

  2. Nice try - I found you though! Don't you know word travels fast in the Langer family.

  3. And I love your web address; honest 2 blog!
