So here is my thought..or are my thoughts, what have you.
i keep getting the repeated comment/mix of questions that goes something to the effect of:
My life sucks, and I hate it
My life is static, and i dont think it will ever change
I wish my life would just start already
I wish i knew where my life was supposed to be going
I just wish my life were different
plus many more, but you get the idea. Well, I've given many different view points and comments to these questions and comments, but overall, i think this is my basic opinion.
Sometimes life does suck, but you have life, so at the end of the day, this goes down as a blessing. I completely understand the hating your life thing, but there is something that could be done about it, even if it's just changing your attitude about it..which is a good place to start making changes. but be ye careful of change, dont go crazy here, bc is it the perfect or permissive will of God?..making your own changes could come back to bite ya.
Your life will change, it will be different. No two days are the same- IF that's the way you look at it. if you look at it as just another boring ol day, then it will be. but if you look at it as an opportunity to make a difference of some sort, then there you go, your life will surely change.
the next two go hand in hand.."when will life start, and where will it go". your life has started..your adult life, it'll start when you become an actual adult. the majority of the askers of these questions are college age, myself included. but i've faced it. I'm not at that fully adult life stage a college student. life is supposed to be ab working hard and playing hard..idk ab you guys, but at the current moment, i've got ab all the responsibility i can handle at the moment - let alone the insurances, and loans, and multiple other bills that come with being a "real" adult. so i'm good. thanks. as far as where life is going, idk. i know where i feel led to go at the moment. but thats just it, i do feel led by God to go this direction. I know its not for me, but to help others. I know im supposed to be doing that. So thats all i can know that tomorrow i am supposed to get up and get my things done, and help someone get their things done too. its pretty simple really. i can plan for tomorrow, but i cant worry about it..not now. not only has God told me not to, but im a big picture kinda girl, and there are too many tomorrows to think ab and still keep my sanity. So tomorrow as a plan, this I know, and i'm good with that.
"I wish my life were different"..I do too. but alas, these changes aren't mine to make. God manifested things in me, His plan, His purpose. and His plan will make my life different. And you know, the plan may have a few curves He threw in just to keep us on our toes, but its still a plan. I mean, come on, I planned to be a preschool teacher, and now i'm a psychology major- in case you hadn't noticed, those two are a pretty far cry from one another. I sought Him, and He met me where I needed to find answers. Call me a dreamer, but I know there's something out there for me..but im plenty content to do just that..dream about it. bc I believe in the promises He's made to me. That things will happen...and I'm best to wait for His timing than to seek them myself, bc usually that only ends up making a bigger mess of things, which He has to clean up, and then get you to focus again. Have you ever tried to get a child to focus?! My word! the Poor Guy.
Anyway..all that to say - chill out. If you have questions about who, where, what, when, how, or why your life this or that, seek Him, you'll find answers if you're sincere. and while you wait for answers, pray for peace and patience. We can't do this whole life thing on our's too hard. He's brought us to it, He'll guide us through it.